Defending Your Data: Keeping Your Wi-Fi Secure

August 29, 2024


As smart technology becomes more prevalent, so too does our use of Wi-Fi, increasing our vulnerability to cyberattacks. So how do you keep your Wi-Fi secure?

  • Use strong passwords (i.e., at least eight characters using upper and lowercase, numbers, and symbols, and don’t re-use passwords – use a password management software to keep track), change them regularly, and enable two-factor authentication where possible.
  • Use a VPN, which encrypts your connection.
  • Enable auto updates on your devices, and ensure your modem and router are updated, replacing them at least every 5 years.
  • Change default modem and router passwords so no unauthorized user within signal range can access your network.
  • Disable remote router access, which can leave the door open to hackers.
  • Change your network name. Avoid using the default provider name or a name with personal information, which provides vulnerability clues.
  • Enable a Wi-Fi guest network to segregate devices (e.g., put your computer devices on the main network and your smart devices on a guest network), limiting the scope of potential breaches.
  • Enable Wi-Fi Protected Access 3 (WPA3) if available on your device, for increased data protection.

A simple online search can guide you through making the above changes if you are unsure.

Cybercrime is only expected to skyrocket in the coming years, so doing everything you can to protect your personal information will help you not become a victim.